In Relief

Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Still.

A Very Deer Christmas

Ok, so I’m going to start this blog post with a dangerous admission, the kind of admission that could get me into trouble or maybe the kind of admission that might make any potential Christmas “customers” run a mile…perhaps this is a terrible business move but here it is, I’m going to give this honesty-vulnerability […]
Take a leap

This time last year I put up a post with an image I’d drawn of a character leaping out from a crowd into thin air. I found it when I was rummaging through some old work I’d made and it made me pause and smile. Whose leaping here I wondered before quickly deciding in my […]
The Joy of Repetition

I spent the month of March learning some new printing techniques, I wanted to make fresh products for my online shop and to have some work ready to share in the Maker’s House whenever we open again! I took a one day class in screen printing with Liz Nilsson of to get me […]
Follow your heart

For me, this print sums up 2020 so far. I called it Follow your heart and I carved the image into lino in the first weeks of the lockdown and then made a few prints which I sent on to some of my friends. I’d set up a temporary studio in my bedroom and while […]